Reading code Vs searching code

Modern IDEs now allow you to search for a class or a file and go to it from the search results. On my last few projects I've seen developers using this feature almost exclusively rather than navigating their code tree. This is a very nice feature that I really enjoy using but does it have a dark side? I'm an old school hacker and I like to know how my_code is structured - its packages, dependencies, web root folders, output folders for the IDE and for automated build scripts, etc....

S3DropBox is now on Google Code

In June of 2008 I released the initial version of the S3DropBox as a download available from this blog (see S3DropBox). Since then I've been adding little enhancements to the drop box as updates to the linked zip files. This of course is not the right way to share an application or its code-base, so I've created a google code project at Feedback, patches and wish-list items are always welcome....